Wednesday, March 28, 2007


ok now its damn warm i am perspiring... and as i am typing this entry, i am
wondering also what the rest of my friends are doing... guess it must be
quite fun working unlike me... like a lazy bee... you guys are one busy
bee... now i am trying to watch Heroes ep 7 but i have a hard time buffering
the video... haizzz... if this doesn't happen, im going to switch to "ugly
betty"! haha! that widya is now getting me into ugly betty... wth... now
this isnt happening! the buffering is still 0%! oh no after 3 minutes, its
3%... must i wait for 100 mins? oh gosh... maybe ill just wait and find
other things to do like hmm... watch ugly betty! haha! "happy haloween!...
haha" k i'll update yall when i have the tyme again... i hope so!

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