Well its 7.20 on my clock, meaning, I hae approximately 10 minutes to blog. Ok! just a short entry then! Yesterday the PMKs visited me at G's Collection (Ohhh how sh-weet!) because I couldnt join them for buka. :/ haha. Lol. That was quite a surprise.
I was so tired I had to just put up a smile and join the fun. Sorry people if I did not entertain you guys as you might have expected. Was from the FnB then went to the Apparel. Wah. So damn tired. I did have a break in between (ooh, my cat is sitting on my sketch and playing with my eraser!!) but still, I could not close my eyes cos it was asar, and I don't find it good sleeping during the time between asar and maghrib.
So then Baba came :D It was so funny cos she was so naive. and We were the baddies, 'bullying' her. I think Me, mama and ayah was the most tired people. But Of course Ziza, nurai, abg and adik are tired. Everyone is tired. But I don't know how Ayah and Mama can wake up every morning and go back late, and the cycle goes on and on. They must be tired lah. But. Wow. They are so strong. :I Aku yang buat kerje lagi sikit dari mereka, susah nak bangun untuk sahur...
Nevermind. I'd take this as a 'Pendorong Semangat' haha. lols
ok its 7.30 already. Gotta wake that mak cik up... haha... bye
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