Friday, August 13, 2010


Oh how I love the internet connection today :DD

Today marks the second day of Ramadhan. Unfortunately, for O'braims Angels, we were not able to celebrate the joy of welcoming this holy month. :(( But of course, in every thing that happens, there will always be a reason/wisdom behind such. For now, I can only think of... We can taste the food that we cook? And make sure that it's nice before we sell it. :)

Anyways, something in the paper today intrigues me. What's up with kids and crocs? Some kid's toe got stuck in the escalator again! Who's fault is it? The mother blames the shoe company, the shoe company resists. And my sister said blatantly, "they should make insurance for the shoes so that the insurance can cover (cover what? the toe? Apparently, there are insurances that covers for loss of body parts and death. That's what we have too, my dear Nina...) just like cars. Why people buy insurance when they buy cars, but not when they buy shoes?" Good question Nina. I also dunno. Dont ask me!

I think the mother is to be blamed. You know why? The kid did not stay inside the yellow box. He should be a little bit autistic (For his own safety), and the mother did not hold his hands! Almost all escalators in Singapore has warning stickers. And now you want to blame the shoe company for making anti-slippery shoes? You know why they make shoes anti-slippery? Have you ever wondered why people who work in coffee shops or kitchens like me find them useful??

Before you start blaming other people, find your faults first! Shame on you!

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