Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Chicken Lover's Casserole

So I made one of my all time favourite (two in one!), in which I still have yet to name it... It took me less than half an hour to make it, even though it states there preparation takes around 1h 15 mins. The casserole, just fyi, is actually served as Baked Rice in Swensen's. I can't believe that I've badok-ed that dish almost everytime I visit Swensens just to find out that it is easy to prepare and its much more Tastier and Cheaper! So money saved, Cravings satisfied plus bonus quality time with the family :) Should cook more often... hehe.

Preparation wise, it was not tedious though. Could have just used Campbell's cream of mushroom but I decided to make my own because... I wanted to? After all, if anything is instant, it wouldn't be 'I cooked' now, would it? The mushroom soup turned out great though, Praises be to Allah, and - and... The mozarella was great. Now we just have to remember that we don't use Mozarella for cheese fries... :) We Use Cheddar, Nina!

Maybe, Next up would be... Ayam lemak cili padi?! Favourite! Mmhmm! Have fun looking, I know its tantalising. I drooled while taking the picture. But it did not drop on the food! *Ziza, I know you would go "E-e-ewwwww-w-w-w" (like a sheep) heh.


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