Thursday, January 28, 2010


Sometimes I ask and wonder. What the future would be? Some people would put it as end of the world - like the movie 2012, Some would say that the earth would be at its weakest point. My Idea of the future would be... Islam would rise again. We would lead the world. Something a lot of people are afraid of. But thats my view of the world's future.

But My parent's question for me would be 'What are you going to do after graduation?'. Not only my parents ask me that, may uncles and aunties do to. You know, its like... The KFC advertisement on tv now, When the grandmother asks the boy whether he has a girlfriend or not and 'interrogates' him... But he just ate the KFC chicken to buffer out the 'noise'. Unfortunately for me, my uncles and aunties are 'Super - Canggih'. Now, they use facebook! Don't have to wait for Hari Raya or any gathering. I will still be bombarded with these kind of questions.

I guess some would think I want to get married after I graduate. And oh so many of them disagree. Haha. I'm not going to get married okay. I will only after I have let my family taste my wealth. haha. I still have my dreams. And I am working on it still. Even if I want to get married, it would be a complicated process and I will work hard towards my dream wedding and my dream 'life after marriage'. So it takes a lot of preparation for now. I'm working backwards you know.

As for my career, hmm... I am not ashamed of my dreams - just embarrassed to tell. Let's just leave it as, for me to know, for you to find out. Like I said, I'm working backwards. It all starts from My Dream Eternity Life (In the Hereafter)

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