Thursday, June 25, 2009

What was that?

Basically I got a position as an intern already at a company run by a malay ;) And I am very happy to have accepted the second offer. What second offer you might ask. Well. Here is my part of the story.

Companies were issued to us before our two weeks break. I got mine and was given 15 minutes to think about it. I almost wanted to acccept the offer because of the people, and the job scope and such. However, after calling my father, I opted for self-procurement. After class, my father gave me a list of companies. But none of them caught my eye. I still wanted that company though I know that its going to pay me peanuts.

I never sent a resume. The next few days, my father told me he might know the managing director of the company. So I called to ask if he was the one my father was talking about. True enough. I accept what had been written. We came to another conclusion after discussing and he kept the place for me. Alhamdulillah.

So tell me now. Am I lucky or what?

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