Saturday, September 29, 2007


My big toe hurt! internal bleeding. I was careless. I didn't know what's on my mind. I was climbing up the stairs then i kicked one of the levels. OMG! painnnnnnn!!!!! aduuuuh!

Ok. Just now. I was singing. The whole day slacking. On the com for like more than 1o hrs already haha... can? Ouch. Stupid lah my toe hurts alot!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A beautiful call...

Yesterday I watched 'Kau Istimewa' on TV, Suria Channel. It was so touching. About lonely elderly... After that show, I felt like calling my grandmother who lives in Ang Mo Kio. She lives with my uncle. When my uncle goes to work, she lives alone. I pity her, but i also admire her strong will. To live independently. My family visit her maybe only three times a year. Of course her children visits her too. I love her though she is my father's foster mom. She cares about me and my family. So does my mother's mom. I love them both. There are some meaningful quotes I got from the tv show. "If we die, nobody comes with us except for our past doings", "If they (the children) can't come to see us (the golden age couple), it's alright, but at least give us a call. We miss them so much. I cry every time thinking of them."

I forgot about my grandmother in ang mo kio. She slipped off my mind. How could that happen? I regret. So i gave her a call. Damn she was happy. She laughed alot... we talked alot. Never have i called and chat with her for 10 minutes! OMG. I feel so happy larrrr.... omg.... Thank you Allah for giving me this opportunity! Thank you so much!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

1. Were you smiling when you woke up
this morning?
- No..

2. When was the last time you met
someone new?
- I forgot...

3. When did you last eat pizza?
- Pizza hut with MDM MARINI!!! oh sooo fun!

4. Do you drink beer?
- no, i drink root beer
countless of time..

5. Do you wash your own clothes?
- the washing machine does it for me. I just dump my clothes there.

6. Are you any good at poker?
- yea can say soooo

7. What do you want more than anything?
- To be with my loved ones forever and ever and ever...

8. Are you tired?
- duh!!..wt qn is tis...

9. Besides your bed, what is your
favorite thing in your room?
- Mirror, mirror on the table..

10. Pepsi or Coke?
- coke...

11. Would you ever take someone back
if they cheated on you?
- see first..if they change, i`ll give
them one more chance..i`m a gd person
k.. but if they do it again. Sorry no cure...

12. Do you enjoy piercings and tattoos?
- NOoooo
scared uhh....

13. Taco Bell or McDonald's?
- Macdonald... i love!!!! been eating there since i was born!

14. Are you restless?
- YES!!!!!!!!!!!!..

15. Is your computer desktop or a
- laptop... my desktop's cpu exploded cos i accidentally off the reboot switch without turning it off! nyaha! luckily my father nvr found out abt HOW it broke down...

16. How many friendster views do you
-210 can? no lah 209 since 1st sept. Wheeee thats alot huh???

17. Want to be a prince/princess?
- Princess. I am one... haha.

18. Do you believe dreams come true?
- yeaaaa when i beleve, it'll come true... Dream believe achieve! heard that b4?

19. Last song you heard?
- Keep holding on.... yea baybeh!

20. Do you like Batman?
- no. Its irritating when i can see the eyeballs but cant see the skin surrounding it. Go wear shades or something pls!

21. Who is in the room with you?
- Im in the living room. Safe internet surfing. haha....
1. Have you had your birthday yet?
Nope. still counting!

2. Are you with the same person as you
No! thank GOD!

3. Are you still in the same job?
yea n forever. heheks

4. Is your favorite color the same
yea... black brown grey white.

5. Have you got the same style/colour

6. Have you bought a new car this year?
no. I wish i could drive!

7. Anything exciting happen this year?
uhh alot!

8. Have you been involved with the
police this year?

9. Favorite all time drinking place
for 2007?
simpang bedok... coke. :D

10. Is your best friend still your
best friend?
of course. YEA!

11. Got any tattoos or piercings this

12. Had a haircut?

13. Been in a hospital this year?

14. Lost someone you cared about this
wheeeeee. no

15. Been on a vacation this year?
nope. not yet.

16. Been in love this year?

17. Fallen out of love this year?

18. Been kicked out of a pub this year?
uhhh i dont go to such places ty.

19. Completed any studies this year?
what studies? Social studies? haha

20. Read any books?
yea! malay novels can?

21. Worst thing to happen this year?
Haha... oops. Cannot say. i fasting larrrr

22. Best thing to happen this year?
meeting my friend Peed. Thot she would not exist in my life story.

23. How many times have you gotten

24. Has this year been a good one so
When i was 14, it was darn good. It was when i was in sec 3!

My life is 85.5% happy!

[ ]You have a boyfriend/girlfriend
[x]You are in love (? dunno not sure.)
[ ]You have your own room.
[x]You own a cell phone.
[x]You have an ipod/ mp3 player
[x]Your parents are still married.
[x]You have more than 1 best friend.
[ ]There is a swimming pool in your
Total: 5

[x] You dress how you want to.
[ ] You slack with friends more
than once a week
[ ] There is a computer/ laptop in
your room
[x] You have never been beaten up
[x] You NEVER cry more than twice a
[x] You are allowed to listen to the
music you want to.
[x] Your room is big enough for you.
Total: 5

[x] You have over 50 friends on
[ ] You have over 500 friends on
[ ] You have over 1000 friends on
[x] You have pictures on friendster
[x] Your parents let you have a
[x] You get allowance.
[x] You collect something normal.
[x] You look forward to going
to school.
[x] You don't wish you were someone
[x] You play a sport.
[x] You do something after school.
Total: 9

[ ] You own a car.
[ ] You usually don't fight with your
[>] You are happy with your
appearance (can? haha)
[ ] You have never gotten a failing
grade in your life
[x] You have friends
Total: 1.5

[x] You know what is going on in the
[x] You care about many people.
[x] You know more than one language
[x] You have a screen name.
[x] You own a pet.
[x] You know the words to more than 5
[x] You dont have any enemies
[x] You are a generally nice person.

Total: 8


Now count your numbers and multiply by
Then title this 'My life is _% happy'

Geylang still the best...

Went to Geylang on Sunday. Saw lots of familiar faces. Saw Cik Attie, former owner of Attie's corner at Kampung Geylang. Now she owns a stall at East Coast. Saw her there before we went to Geylang. At Geylang, we saw Alias Kadir at Banquet sitting on the same table as S.Effendy and The Unsangkarables' drummer i think. Then after some time, We saw Aiyee and family. Shocked to see my cuz danial, kak lili and her bf with their parents. Rare occasion. haha. Till here. My mind is in a blank right now actually. Things are happening at one shot. I barely have time to breathe. Haha. bedek sey... oh ya then WE went to simpang bedok for supper wth Aiyee and family. Aiyee is danial's mom. then we saw... Fendi from live the dream! haha. When I see popular people, i dun go bonkers like some girls do. I dunno y they do that... seriously...

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Some pics...

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Yesterday, 22 Sept at my auntie's house celebrating my cus' b'dae.
This pic proves that lighting is an essential for a perfect pic and that Wudhu' mekes your face glow... (My aunt asked, "why suddenly your face glows unusually. You look more beautiful suddenly. Oh maybe because of the Jema'ah prayers we had just now.) Ehem...

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I wanna go up to the highest level of this building and shout out loud, "I'M BREAKIN' FREE!!! WOOT!!!" can? nyaha!

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Ring Round The Roses, Mustafa's Full of Flowers! Wait. it rhymes? yea it does!!!

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Pilih pilih! Ambik jangan tak ambik! 3 for 1, 1 for 3!

As what my favourite Bugs would say, "That's all folks!"

Gimme the last laugh. Can?

He's running away from me? Whenever he goes online, and when I'm online, He'll go offline or appear offline, i dunno. Got this from the bulletins. Gemini - The LIAR. See... I'm good at this. I hate liars soo sooo much larr.... No wonder he couldn't make it no matter how much he tried. Best thing is, maybe, he is too embarrassed cos his love or whatever feelings he had towards me wasn't return. Hey boy, you were damn lucky I didn't act like a bitch and treat you like you were crap in the middle of my ***. I could if i had wanted too. But I can only act. My heart is not as hard as that. That is why I had to give you hints. Knowing that my hints didn't get through your big head, I thought I'd just follow the flow. Your flow. See... you were the one wasting my time actually. I had to act dumb so "we" could be on the same frequency. And when I say I cry for you, Its not that I cry of what you thought I would cry for. It's because I can't get us over and done with. But now we are done, as you solemnly said. Trust me, I'M BREAKIN' FREEE!!!! No player wannabe's and no Hip-hop + emo shit.

I Don't Argue With IDIOTS!

Damn he is so irritating. Got a message from him this morning or when I'm not sure. (cos i delete his messages whenever he sends me one... And its usually early in the morning!) So read his blog just now. trust me it was damn stupid. Look at the person uh. Stupid. Mesti uh blog dier pon stupid kan? Since its fasting month and I have to be really really patient, patient than I ever did before, I shall not reveal his name cos he doesnt like it. I dunno how many of you r reading my blog. But those who really follow my life, will get the idea who he is lar. D'oh. It's so obvious. I don't know whats is so wrong with revealing names. Wouldn't it be better to reveal names than to just use, what, him, her and all that kind of stuffs. Like just say my name if you want to talk bad about me. What a contradiction. You hate hypocrites but you yourself is a hypocrite. wth. Nonsense. I can't stand really stupid and slow people. And people who are full of nonsense. You want to move on with your life, move laa. What are you waiting for. Macam lah aku hadap sangat tengok muke dier, layan sms dier, call dier lagi, kerenah dier yang degil na'uzubillahiminzalik! From the first starting of when we knew each other, I gave him signs that i only want to be friends with him. Syarat2 aku bagi belambak. Tapi dier mcm sultan bodoh dalam cerita puteri gunung ledang tu fikir aku memang nakkan dier. Hah. Padan lah Puteri Gunung Ledang tak nak sultan tu. Harap kan otak jer pandai. Buta dalam soal hati. Muke tak seberapa, otak selow melow. Ada hati nak suke aku. Pelik2.... Irritating uh orang macam gini. Susahkan hidup aku. Pertama kali kite kenal, dier dah tipu aku. Sekarang dier step aku yang salah. Aku buang masa dier lah. Sekarang siapa yang buang masa siape ni? siape suruh dier gi syok sendiri suke aku. Degil pulak tu. Benciiiii! Nasib baik Fie ade. Jujur ikhlas. Banyak tolong aku hilangkan stress dalam hal aku ngan budak biol ni.

Bila aku minta IrsyaadMu Ya Allah. Aku tahu serta-merta dia bukan untukku. Dan aku juga tahu apa yang harus aku lakukan. Aku terlalai buat seketika lalu Kau sadarkan aku dan ku kembali jua ke alam yang nyata. Dan Kau, Ya Khudayah, telah membuatku percaya, bahawa keputusanku setahun yang lalu memang tepat. Dia tidak boleh dipercayai. Tidak terlintas didalam hati ini pun untuk menghormatinya sebagai seorang jejaka. Terima kasih Ya Allah, Kau telah membantu aku mengakhirkan segala penderitaanku. Semoga teman baruku, jauh beza dari dia... Amiiiinn

Friday, September 21, 2007

some more bulletins! Boy I'm really bored...

1. What phone are you using?
` LG320

2. Single, Taken or Married
` Single

3. What did you do today?
` Play games and blog and surf the net.

4. Who's the last person you talked to
on the phone?
` umm... MY MOM!

5. What time is it now?
` 16 05 hrs

6. Any plans for the weekends?
` Tutoring and go to my cuzzie's house i guess...

7. Who's on your who I want to meet
` you, them?

8. Who's the 3rd person that sent you
an sms?
` Hanafie!!!

9. What song are you listening to now?
` When angels cry - Janis Ian. Feel like crying sia.

10. What are your nicknames?
` Amyra, amy, Putri, Putz? mira, Mirra, Seed, babi? nyaha. Ziza calls me that. dang her!

11. Who's the last person that sent
you a testimonial?
` maurice. That botak guy who doesnt smoke. Fie said his nick is Moo. So I think its COW.

12. Do you like your school?
` yea i guess.

13. Any teacher you hate?
` No. Ban Soon! pizza hutttt!

14. What is your weakest subject?
` 2D art fundamentals i guess. I suck. The arm in my painting doesn't even look like a hand lahhhh can?

15. What do you want to be?
` MAny2... Prime Minister of Singapore can? Singer, Actress, Somebody in the Islamic Architecture industry. And many more lahhhh can?

16. Any plans later on?
` Uhh... Cook?

17. Where would you like your future
house to be?
` KL. The avare. can? or at the top of the reef. Nyaha. or better, somewhere near putrajaya. as long as it is not in singapore. Gonna rent my flat in singapore and work in singapore until i get a good offer or i have owned my grand empire, but I'll live in any other country where they pray five times a day.

18. Do you have any interest in
` Yes. Y? Got a problem? See MP uh. Don't think he can do much though...

19. Where's the last place you've been
` Streets around town and the fountain of wealth. I always go there but i dont know y i don;t get rich.

20. What time did you wake up today?
` 11.

21. What grade are you in?
` Not sure. serious. And i dont care.

22. Are you racist?
` haha. Depends. Sometimes.

23. Who's talking to you on IM right
` No one. Dun wanna talk to anybody can?

24. What's your favourite date?
` 31 august, and 23 december and 1 syawal.

25. Why?
` Malaysia's freedom day, MERDEKA! birthday, and hari raya lah deyyyy.

26. Do you have myspace?
` yea

27. Would you rather be a popular btch
or a nerdy geek?
` nerdy geek

28. What do you own?
` Huh. Haha. Merepek. I don't own anything in this world. Everything i have belongs to Allah Swt.

29. Do you like to spend alot on
` err.. depends.

30. Do you buy expensive stuffs just
for the sake of it?
` I don't know. I'm not that much of a spender.

31. Will you spend alot for the one you
` Yea.

32. Your definition of money:
` Some stupid thing that everyone wants to have more of it. Its stupid. like soccer, every one wants the ball. But soccer is not stupid. People don't die because of soccer. People don't leave their responsibilities as a parent for soccer, people don't create war because of soccer, people don't forget God because of soccer. Sometimes, they only forget to sleep. But hey, That only happens once in 4 yrs. True?

33. Basketball or Football
` The ball with black and white pentagons lahhh.

34. Do you always log in to friendster?
` yea

35. Is this your 2nd or 3rd acc?
` I dont know. I create and delete and create again. A lot of times.

36. What are your current interests
right now?
` Cars, Islam, Music, Performing arts, My Fasting!

37. What's the font your using for IM?
` haettenschweiler. Its small. But i like it. Its cute...

38. What are you supposed to do right
` defrost the chicken.

39. Who are your bestest friends?
` alot. But for now, its BARA. especially PEED! I sooo love her! can?

40. Are you done?
` Nope. Can I have more?

To Do Today...

Life without school is boring. Well it won't when you have company, cool company. I prefer to go to school then rot at home. I love school! (chants 3 times) Nyaha. Haven't return library books, haven't cook, haven't upload pics and download songs from my com to phone. Aiyyyak! How I wish there was someone to entertain me when I'm bored. Life like this ain't meaningful you know? People always said, live a day at a time... At this rate, it looks like gravity will take a toll on me soon! What in the name of God am I crapping about??? huh? huhuhuhu... Ok this is the reason why I am so acting like this. First, I am online. But! No cool guy is chatting with me. Cool as in "great"? I mean, "Gerek"... Nyaha. Oh! yea. Should look at my friendster profile. Who knows there are testimonials or comments for me??? you know what? TMR, My mom is going to buy paint to paint up the walls! OMG! nooooooo! Dang, I hate painting!


I found the song by Dewa! I love this song. The lyrics, whoa... menusuk hati! OMG. You guys should hear it, it's on my playlist. Satu by Dewa. Here's the lyrics.

aku ini adalah dirimu
cinta ini adalah cintamu
aku ini adalah dirimu
jiwa ini adalah jiwamu
rindu ini adalah rindumu
darah ini adalah darahmu

tak ada yang lain selain dirimu
yang selalu kupuja
kusebut namamu di setiap
hembusan nafasku
kusebut namamu
kusebut namamu

dengan tanganmu
aku menyentuh
dengan kakimu
aku berjalan
dengan matamu
aku memandang
dengan telingamu
aku mendengar
dengan lidahmu
aku bicara
dengan hatimu
aku merasa

tak ada yang lain selain dirimu
yang selalu kupuja
kusebut namamu di setiap
hembusan nafasku
kusebut namamu
kusebut namamu

I first heard this song when I was in my father's car. The Dj played this song. Quite catchy and my family loves it too.
If you open the track on, people who commented on the song actually related the one, the songwriter is refering to, their lovers. You get what I mean? E.g, "kusebut namamu" The mu in this song is referred to lover and what not. But to my family, especially my father, this song is about God. Allah swt. He is One (Satu). In this song, if you translate it to English, it sounds like, everything of mine is yours. If let's say, the you in this song is your Boyfriend, It won't make any sense would it? If it was referring to God, then it would. Cos everything of ours, belongs to Him. "Disetiap hembusan nafasku" is of course an exaggeration to show or imply that we remember Him all the time. When we wake up, go into the toilet, eat, pray, sleep, etc, we will always say our prayers to him or at least we say "Bismillah" (In the name of Allah). Or when we yawn, We will always say "Allahu akhbar" (Allah the almighty) We do not say our boyfriend's name right? Am I not making sense?

I wrote this out of logic. No means to hurt anyone's feelings. I just want to convey what I feel is right. If you have any dissensions, that's up to you. But if you agree with me, LEavE me A taG Will Ya!!! nyaha... Happy Fasting, may all your good deeds be blessed by Him.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Relationship survey... (Found at the bulletins)

1)What type of person are you?
- Hmm, Wierd? Happy, family-oriented, truthful. Funny too. Random.

2) Single , Taken , Naked , or
= single

3) Are you happy with that ?
= yea I guess. But a BF wont hurt right? well, it depends...

4) Have you ever had your heart
= yes. A couple of times.

5) Do you believe that there are
certain circumstances where cheating
is ok ?
= mmm yea. Tipu sunat?

6) Have you ever talked about
= ya. y?

7) Do you want children ?
= yea. d'uh!

8) How Many?
= don't know. don't mind.

9) Would you consider adoption?
= if i have to.

10) If someone liked you right now,
would you want them to tell you ?
= Why, Of course! Who knows if I'd like them back... haha. Life is unpredictable you know!

11) Do you want someone you
can't have ?
= Umm... Who? Alot!

12) Have you fallen in love?
= No. Crush maybe.

13) Do you believe in celebrating
anniversaries ?
= umm yea.

14) Do you believe that you can
change for someone ?
= I believe if someone likes me, he will accept me the way I am. But it also depends, haha.

15) Is it a good day ?
= yup but tiring also!

16) Have you ever broken a heart
before ?
= Yes. Like just now I guess... But hey, wasn't my fault ok. If it was, then I'm sorry.

17) Does your ex still have feelings
for you ?
= I don't know...

18) Do you still have feelings for
= No! Life has to go on rite? Dat's Life!!

Is it my fault? (niway, this is my 201st post!!)

Is it my fault that you love/like me?
I had never said I loved you or so
Nothing of that sort
Only that feelings were starting to grow.

Is it my fault that I can't return your love?
You were to engrossed in your feelings and assumed wrongly
Have you read my heart thoroughly?
I told you so many times when you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME

Is it my fault that your heart is broken?
You were always ignorant of my feelings
You wanted things your way
Did you ever noticed the quantity of my heart peelings?

So sad I can't lie to myself
I don't love you
I always followed the flow
But what can I do?

God made me believe you weren't for me
God made me realize we weren't meant for each other

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Entah Mengapa

Setiap kali aku ingin jatuh untuk kamu
Ada sesuatu yang menarikku jauh darimu
Yang dapat membuat hati ine keliru
Akan isi hatinya sendiri.

Tuhan adakah ini jalan untukku
Adakah harus ku menerima dia
Mengapa Tuhan, mengapa harus aku
Yakinkanlah aku

Acapkali ku terbaca
Surat-surat yang dikirimkan
Hati menjadi senang
Ingin sekali aku berada disisimu

Tetapi setelah beberapa masa berlalu
Aku jadi keliru semula
Adakah ini tersurat untukku
Tolonglah aku

Pemergianmukan membuat rindu
Namun keberadaanmu kan membuatku rimas
Mengapa begini jadinya
Sejak setahun yang lalu

Tidak dapat aku jelaskan...

When the time comes...

My head is spinning
My heart is throbbing
My body is shaking
Every breath of mine is shrinking

Put the past behind me
Ease all the pain that had been hurting me
You come to me with regret
I'd open my arms so wide, you'll never forget

Forgiving is all that I could do
I don't want our time to be wasted
With you being one of my hated
Let's just ask what if we are fated?

Then if we are
You'd bring me to the moon
You would turn a tear of mine into a star
Such that everyone could see from afar

Then if we aren't
You'd promise to be my guardian angel
Not letting me fall from your eyes
Praying that he would give me happiness of a lifetime

But then you wouldn't know
That you are my laughter
That you are my sorrow
That you are my everything, would you?

Embrace me with your care
Our sorrows we will share
For when the time comes
We will be together again...



Guess what? Yesterday my father sound me again. He asked why don't I go for the Anugerah audition next year since I am of age? Hahahaha! Is my voice that nice? I'd probably make a fool of myself. Ok, wait... maybe I should go and see my standard. But no way I'm going to abandon my studies for stardom. Haha... Though I love the entertainment industry... Maybe I'll go for shoots, modeling, or writing songs and singing them, put it inside the net so that people could listen and rate. I love entertaining but I don't look forward to being popular... Seriously. Let me tell you something. My family have links to the entertainment industry in Singapore. My father, auntie and uncle are into acting. If i wanna act, they can give me offers. Which they had but I turned them down. Haha. OK I know what you are thinking. My cousin is into the music scene, he has arranged songs for Khairil Yusof. I am also related to Deanna Manto, the First Lady model who happens to be an actress too... haha. Maybe the time has not come for me yet. I would like to study first laa... Show to people who looked down on me and my family that I can prove them wrong. OKAY?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


why everytime i read his blog, i feel so happy??? argh... confuse sia... confirm!

I'm movin' on...

I'm leavin' him behind. There are others who wants to be with me. Cried buckets and now I'm going to throw that bucket out of my sight! OK now im chatting with guys i know at friendster. hope all goes well. but no matter what, I'll hold on to what mdm marini told me. Pelajaran harus didahulukan. :D thanks cikgu... and thanks zima.

Monday, September 17, 2007


Things are going on well right now for me. It's the vacations and I am like free. But I'm tired okay. Just now, So many things happened... It was submission. But we pulled it through eventually. That's quite okay. umms... so. I thought for the second time. I shouldn't be angry at him cos he told me the truth. That was what I had always looked forward too haha... but you know, I'm still disappointed. I'll go with the flow lar... just go with it. Follow God's will. People, if you know who I'm talking about here, go see his blog. Haha... so funny!!! I was laughing all the way. Cute sia...



Sunday, September 16, 2007

some bulletins... i'm bored oready...

1. What is more difficult: looking into
someones eyes when telling how you
feel,or looking into someones eyes when
they tell you how they feel?

- Telling how I feel... Doinks! Thats y i don't usually do that... muahehe

2.Think of the last time you were angry.
Why were you angry?

-umm... let me see... just now at my brother. Because of him, My sis and I got scolded!

3. You will die in three minutes. Last call?

- Parents... My mom. esp. If I have time, I would just send an sms. more cheaper. haha jk.

4. If you could do anything OR wish
anything, what would it be?

- Wish that i could have more wishes so that I won't run out of them.

5. You can have one of the following two
things: trust or love?

- trust!!!

6. You are walking to work. There is a
dog drowning in the canal on the side of
the street. Your boss told you if you
are late one more time you're fired. Do
you save the dog?

- No! I'll find somebody, a chinese or and Indian to save it. It's a dog and i cant touch it. Unless if its a Kitten or a cat, then it would be a different story. And what the heck would a dog be doing in a canal??? fishing?

7. Would you or have you ever
blackmailed someone?

- No. I have better things to do like answering questions from this questionaire which i don't think serves any purpose.

8. Think of the last person who you know
that died. You have the chance to give
them 1 hour of life back, but you have
to give one year of your life. Do you do it?

- Azeez's ex. No. I wouldn't. If its time for you to go, you go. Unless if it's one of my family member's or my mom's!

9. Are you the kind of friend that you
would want to have as a friend?

- Umm duh.

10. Does sex=love?

- no. Even the dictionary doesn't define it as that. Its more to an intercourse between a male and female.

11. Are you old fashioned?

- As in? No I guess but in terms of love and bringing up my children, I'd love that.

12. Would you marry someone if they were
unable to have sex?

- Yea. For now maybe. haha.

13. What would be harder for you, to
tell someone you love them or that you
do not love them back?

- Telling them I love them.

14. What do you think would be the
hardest thing for you to give up?

- My Family and my dignity

15. Romantic love, when was the last
time you told someone you loved them?

- Forgot. I show, I don't tell!

16. If you had to go back in time and
change one thing, if you HAD to, even if
you have "no regrets" what would you change?

- Umm change my looks? haha.

17. Imagine. It is a dark night, you are
alone, it is raining outside, you hear
someone walking around outside your
window. WHO do you wish was there with you?

- My mom.

18. Would you give a homeless person CPR
if they were dying?

- I dunno how to do CPR. I might be sued...

19. You are holding onto your
grandmother's dying hand and the hand of
a newborn that you do not know as they
hang over the edge of a cliff. You have
to let one go to save the other which
one would it be?

- The newborn. If I have to, I'd die with my granny. I swear. But I'm talking about my granny from my mother's side. not the other one. My other granny umm... yea i'd save her.

20. When and how was the last time you
told someone how you REALLY feel?

- I dunno. I write. I don't tell. But maybe i'll sing.

21. Do you tell anyone or everyone you
are going to die?

- Haha. Nope. Not yet

22. What do you do with your remaining days?

- Pray and spend time with my family members.

23. Would you be afraid?

- yes... maybe.

Irsyaad Tuhanku...

Aku berfikir sejenak tadi siang. Berfikir tentang persahabatanku dengan si dia. Adakah kita akan berterusan begini, sepi, sepatah diberi, sepatah dijawab, atau dapatkah kita berteman seperti dulu kala, riang, tertawa bersama, menagins bersama. Ku pinta Irsyaad dari Ya Khudayah. Selepas solat asar, Aku mempunyai sesuatu keinginan. Keinginan untuk membaca Blog si dia. Dan selepas membaca, aku berasa amat tenang. Amat bahagia. Namun, itu semua berakhir apabila aku menghatar sms kepadanya. Ada seorang lagi gadis yang disukainya selain aku. Hancur segalanya. Maghrib tiba dan ku memohon lagi kepada Yang Kuasa. Kini, aku tidak tahu apa yang harus kulakukan.


After sometime of not being in contact, and after he said he doesn't trust me anymore, and now he asked me out with friends. What is it that he wants? I don;t know what I can offer him. Not being trusted by him is already butt-kicking hard. Facing someone who doesn't trust me. It is equivalent to watching me die and falling in hell. Heck I so hate not being trusted. But it's unreasonable. Maybe he did not mean it. Maybe he still trusts me. God! Its really really really hard I tell you. Every day, I'd think about him. I miss him sometimes but sometimes his stupidity just makes me want to shoot him with a sniper, HEADSHOT. I so hope he is reading this. Not because I want to hurt him. But because I hope I can understand his feelings. He keeps saying he still has an eye-candy on me. He sent me a message. "How can I say you are beautiful when I can't take my eyes off you" which somehow I don't exactly know what he means. That's why communication is needed isn't it? Haizz... My MSN friend Ahmad Khalis Sharil has been helping me all the while. Thanks guy. Hope I can sort things out...

Friday, September 14, 2007

1.What time did u go to bed?
when? Last night? It was like at 3.30 a.m…

2. What were you doing at 8:00 this
Getting ready for school.

3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
watching soccer. Trust me it was a waste of time.

4. What is something that happened to
you in 1994?
I was four and I think it was the time when I learned how to sing.

5. What is the last thing you said
“Kayu pelan-pelan, not Kayuh okay!” to the Chinese girls in my class who doesn’t seem to know how to use the printer.

6. How many different things did you
drink today?
Tea only. I’m Fasting ok.

7. What color is your hairbrush?
Hairbrush spoils my hair. My comb is blue in colour.

8. What was the last thing you bought?
Umm… mount board.

9. What is(are) your favorite color(s)?
Black, grey, brown and white.

10. What color is your front door?

11. Where do you keep your change?
in the pocket if my jeans. Couldn’t be in my shoe right?

12. What was the weather like today?
Raining, but it stopped when I sang.

13. What is the best ice cream flavor?
cookies n cream… yeah!

14. What is something you are excited
I don’t know, Guys? haha

15. When was the last rainbow you saw?
At the fountain in my school.

16. Do you have a sister?
yes. Two!

17. Are you very random?

18. Do you want to cut your hair?
If it grows longer that is.

19. Are you over the age of 25?
im 16! Noooooooo…….

20. Do you talk a lot?
Yea… could say that. I sing a lot too….

21. Do you watch The O.C.?

22. Does your screen name have an "x"
in it?
umm nope

23. Do you know anyone named Steve?
steve? Blues clues guy? Haha.

24. Do you make up your own words?
Yes, I did just now…

26. Are you typically a jealous person?
yea. A lil bit…

27. Name a friend whose name starts
with the letter "B":
B? Barney? Can?

29. Name a friend whose name starts
with the letter "J":
J? Jasmine.

30. Who's the 1st person on your
received calls list?
My friend Azizah

31. What did the last text message you
received say?
Tarmizi, telling me to wish Fatimah Happy Birthday! Yay!

32. Do you chew on your straws?
Sometimes when I’m bored. But usually I pop them.

33. Do you have curly hair?

34. When is the next concert you're
going to?
I dunno

35. Who is the worst person in your
Worst? Liars.

36. How many times have you cursed
2? 3?

37. What is something you say a lot?
Merepek uh!

38. What is the last thing you ate?
hot dog rolls

39. Have you seen the movie "Donnie
err.. no

40. Do you have work tomorrow?
yea. Can say so… though its not work exactly.

41. Is your best friend older than you?
yea like 2 yrs?

42. When was the last time you said "I
love you"? ..
long long ago……

43. What should you be doing now?
Sleeping. I am so dizzy.

44. Do you wish you had a different
I have one and it’s Seed Eed.

45. Are you a heavy sleeper?
maybe that’s y im tall.

47. What is the best movie you've seen
in the past two weeks?
A walk in the clouds and Akeelah and the bee

48. Is there anyone you like right now?
yes… some cool guy… nyaha…

49. When was the last time you did the
umm just now.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

How Emo am I?

You're emo around the edges.

You're not the emo-est of quiz-takers, but you lean in an emo direction. You feel angry and passionate on a regular basis, but you also have an easygoing side that keeps you grounded. You're naturally introspective, but you're not compelled to analyze every detail of your life—sometimes you'd rather shrug your shoulders and get on with the day. You understand why your emo friends seem so sensitive, but you also get why that drives your non-emo friends crazy. You're the happy medium of emo-ness! Not happy in the middle?

Start of a new month that I've been waiting for...

Actually I wanted to welcome this new month in the Islamic calendar by praying terawih. But, I'm waving my 'red flag' so I can't... quite disappointed actually. But hey, look at the bright side. I can 'catch' the Lailatul'qadar night. But you know what? I have a friend who considers me as a friend. A friend who has listened to all my nonsense, held up with my craps and bringing me up when I fell. Its Siti Sarah Bte Othman Letak. When I can pray, I'll pray for her safety, her longevity and her safety in the hereafter. Thank you Allah, Oh Khudayah, for the fruits that you have presented to me, for the lessons you have taught me, and for the company you had brought me. Allahuakhbar!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I'm Dead meaT!

Okay... here it is. It was my submission dateline at 8pm just now. Last minute, that baldy told us to do Dimensioning for our autocad exercises. Last Minute you know! so dateline pushed forward to 9 pm. Nevermind. My autocad Dimensioning feature faces some problem. My friend's too... So I couldn't finish it and now, I'm getting 20% off my marks. Dang! Stupid Computer! I was shouting at the CAD lab swearing... trust me. I was really pissed. Ouh! Before that, me and sarah went to the library to watch Akeelah and the bee... I cried ok! but it was funny! haha.... Siow me

Monday, September 10, 2007

I act like I'm 27... wow thats kinda old!

put an X in the ones you do, then add
it up and thats your age!

[x] I know how to cook toast
[x] I can do my own laundry.
[x] I can cook for myself.
[x] I actually enjoy intellectual
Total: 4

[x] I show up for school MOST of the
time unless I'm sick.
[ ] I always carry a pen in my
[ ] I've never gotten a detention.
[x] I've watched talk shows.
[x] I drink coffee at least once a
Total : 3

[x] I know how to run the dish washer
and/or do the dishes.
[ ]I can count to 5 in either
Spanish/French /German/Italian/etc.
[x] When I say I'm going to do
something I do it. (can i put a dash as in sometimes?)
[x] I can mow the lawn.
[x] I remember to water my plants.
[x] I study when I HAVE to.
[x] I pay attention at school.
[x] I remember to feed my pets
Total: 7

[x] I can spell experience without
looking it up..
[x] The first thing I do when i get
home is eat.
[x] I can go to the store without
getting something I don't need.
[x] I understand jokes the first time
they are said. (But I won't laugh if its not funny)
[x] I can type fast
Total: 5

[x] I have realized that the weather
forecast changes every hour.
[x] I realize that no one will take you
seriously unless you are over the age
of 25 and have a job.
[x] I can read a book and actually
finish it.
[x] I often give my friend an advice
just to correct them.
Total: 4

[x] I knew that the alphabet and
twinkle twinkle little star have the
same rythym
[x] You just checked
[x] I noticed rhythm is spelled wrong.
[x] you actually watch the weather
Total: 4

Repost as "I act like im ___"

something i found at friendster... zima posted it at the bulletins

L a s t
1. Person you saw = Irshaad
2. Talked to on the phone = My Nenek
3. Hugged = Umm My Nenek
4. Text = Some guy called Hilmi
5. Kiss = My Nenek! I love My Nenek!

t o d a y
1. wearing = T-shirt and jeans... Haven't change.

t o m o r r o w
1. Is = Tuesday...
2. Got any plans = Go to school and funk around.
3. Dislikes about tomorrow = I dunno. Meeting my lecturer I guess...
f a v o r i t e
1. Number = 23
2. Colors = Brown, Grey, Black n White.
3. Season = I dunno but its raining

c u r r e n t l y
1. Missing someone = My Friends
2. Mood = Sad, Emotional... But this will be over soon.
3. Wanting = Lots of cool stuffs can?

Q: first thing to do this morning?
Watch TV!

Q: Last thing you ate:
Oh I know! Nasi Goreng Mamak at Mensa!

Q: Do you have anything bothering you?

Q: What's annoying you right now?
My itchy nose and some guy who lies.

Q: Do you believe in long distance
Yea... I guess so...

Q: Is there a person who is on your
mind right now?
Yes and I wish I could shove him up a donkey's ass.

Q: Where is the last place you went?

Q: Do you smile often?
Yes! I live to smile.

Q: Do you think that a person is
thinking of you too?
Yeah... Hoping that I would forgive him I guess...

Q: Choose one to have (love, beauty,

Q: Are you a friendly person?
Yesh I am!

Q: What were you doing at 9 last
Watching Bruce Almighty!

Q: When is the last time you saw your
Umm.... Yesterday...

Q: Do you have more guy friends or
girl friends?
Good Question. I think Girls...

Q: When was the last time you cried?
In the bus just now.

Q: Do you get angry easily?

Q: What was your last thought before
you went to sleep last night?
Tomorrow's gonna be better.

Q: What are you about to do?
chat with whoever comes online!

Q: What song are you listening to
right now?
Not Listening to any. oh wait, listening to a song my sister is singing, Rindu Serindu Rindunya. Haha... Macam mana tak hujan?

Q: Would you rather be single or in a
Depends... But I think I need a Good Guy Friend.

Q: Do you ever check your phone
waiting for someone to call?
Hmm no. messages, yes!

Q: Rate life as of right now 1-10
6... once i get over this catastrophe, It'll be TEN again...

The beach and then history repeats....

Yesterday, I went to Aloha Loyang for Farah Hannan's birthday party. We sat at the water breaker to watch the sunset which was sooo damn cool... accompanied by lightnings in the clouds... haha... we talked so much and took some cool pics.

But today... I feel so damn sad. A guy, lied to me like how Azeez lied to me! I am so the EMO now! ARGH!!!!!

You were the nicest guy I'd ever knew
But lies just blow it all away
I don't know if I can be me again when I'm with you
I'd just wish this had never happen!
Isn't it just fun keeping me in the dark?
What's the matter with guys keeping me in the dark?
Is it a new trend?

Touch me...
Thats all that I ask for.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Hi! my name is Seed a.k.a CBijik

So.... dah lama gitu kan tak update blog... sorrylah kengkawanz... kite ni ader halllz... almaklumlah... poly ni bukan holiday... haha... assignment banyak... masa, sikit aja... kita pun nak happy2 mood2... nak enjoying jugak kan.... haha... I miss playing soccer. Lepas puasa nanti (and of course... lepas raya) kita nak buat team soccer boeh? haha... rinduwuwuuwu sangat main bola.... lagi2 main dgn budak2 lelaki... main dgn diorg best tau... tak rewel... haha... tapi ader jgk budak2 pompan yang gerek... ingat pulak aku kat zaman pri 5/6 and below aku... asyik turun bawah main bola dgn budak2 lelaki.... haha... perangai pon dah nak kat sama... terjumpa pula kat noridayu bte borhan... skrg dier main untuk team singapore... cool kan? tapi aku tak nafikan uh... aku ni ader lembut sikit. dier kasar. haha.... tapi dier dapat bf dulu dari aku. hahahh.... macam mana, aku tak tau. ok till here chiows!

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Lunch with old friends and MDM MARINI!!

Terima kasih ya Allah, Kau telah membuat hari ini istimewa buatku dan juga teman-temanku. Terima kasih juga kepadaMu ya Khudayah, atas pemberianmu, seorang Guru yang cekap mengajarku dan juga pemberi semangat untukku. Amin ya Rabbil Alamin... Semoga persahabatan kami berpanjangan hingga akhir hayat.

Today was a great day for me and I really thank God for it. (Though I forgot to bring my hp and wear my lip balm) Also, I thank my friends who made this HAPPEN! Cheers to my friends Tarmizi, Azimah, Farah and Azeez (the one who kept pestering me to go out and have lunch with Mdm Marini. And me! haha... what only... Anyway, we had lunch at Pizza Hut. As you all already know, its not the food that makes a great meal, its the company... So, company was superb! But... The food? OMG! We ordered black pepper chicken supreme and the waiter gave us BBQ chicken supreme. Because we DO NOT like to put sand onto other people's rice, we shook it off with coolness... We are cool people! haha... whatever. So, we raked out old stories and there was one funny joke that I couldn't forget. A joke which Mdm Marini made. She called Mdm Azlina to ask her the name of a teacher. She described it as "Obnoxious and irritating". Sounds like a brat huh? Anyway, after finding out the name of that 'Chap' which happens to be Eugene Lee, our gonna-be-sec-4-form-teacher-but-didn't-be, she chatted a while with Mdm Azlina, who also happen to teach me English during sec 1 and 2. Mdm Marini told her, "Ouh never mind, I can ask my students to babysit your child... No I mean, literally sit on your baby!" All of us were laughing our.... never mind. So Azeez came late actually. Because... he waited at the MRT station when we were already at Pizza hut. OMG. It turned out that I did not send the sms to him... hahaha.

So later at night, I think my family and i are going out. And my body is aching due to gym last evening. But it was only 1 hr! haiz... But anyway, I'll always look forward to seeing Mdm Marini, the best-est teacher in the whole wide world. Dialah Cikguku, dunia dan akhirat. Semoga dia dalam keadaan sihat selalu.

P.S: Seriously... now I know why my mother's ex-students like her so much... My mother teach like Mdm Marini. I love Mdm Marini how my Mother's students love her. It's amazing how students can remember and appreciate their teachers even after 5 or ten years. Some, even more. And me, I plan to do that for as long as I live. It is hard for me to like my teachers. Trust me cos making teacher's cry is one of my hobbies. But Mdm Marini is DIFFERENT. One time, I thought of teaching. But I think I'll tutor first. Teaching... it's complicated... haha. Nvm. Follow with the flow ok? Now, I concentrate on tutoring that genius student of mine. He is clever but lazy... haiz. Eh panjangnye P.S aku... oklah GTG... bye!

I don't know why but I will feel sad when she has to go... Gosh it will take months before I'll see her again... I'll miss her so much like how I did before.