Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hello imaginary world.

I had my 5th driving lesson today :) How fun! I've always looked forward to my driving lessons. I enjoy driving 149. I don't know why... Though, It stalls most of the time (The engine stalled twice just now!) But I feel like we are one! haha... how poetic.

I signed up for the One Team Package. Comfort Driving Centre offers this package whereby you just add $5 to your driving lessons, and you'll get a fixed car, with max. of 5 instructors. I have two fixed instructors. These instructors are chosen based on their competent teaching techniques. One of my instructor is a Malay (Mr. H), and one is Chinese (Mr.D). I prefer Mr.H teaching techniques. He finds my faults and then he will tell me the correct procedures. Mr.D's technique is acceptable too. He will tell me the correct technique first and then we will practice and practice until we get it right.

So far, I love my time table structure. One week with Mr.H, 2 lessons. Another week would be with Mr.D... Just for 1 lesson. So I have the daring instructor who lets me drive like a smart-alack for two lessons, and then there's one lesson with the instructor who make me do the same thing over and over again (like left turns only) for 100 minutes as practice. Its like the secondary school days where the teacher gives the students lots and lots of TYS to complete!

Anyway, that's about driving. I have a medical check-up tomorrow and I am quite excited for it, I don't really know why. But at the same time, I feel like... I don't really want to go because I am scared. :D (But its free!)

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