Monday, March 16, 2009

Long time no blog

After a week hiatus from blogging, induced by the time-consuming and energy-draining Project 3, I am back :)) Yeay... Missed me? Haha - Lame. Anyways.

Nowadays, I dream of nothing else but P3. I talk of nothing else but my design. I- Okay, actually these are all exaggeration... haha. I do not talk or dream or what have you about P3 all the time. Its just that, P3 is crimping out my life. Like the bi-atches would put it in their laser-like tongues... 'You are polluting my air!' - Oh it has been such a while since I've last used that phrase. Haha. The last person to whom I used that phrase to was Tarmizi Talib. Hehe. But that was ages ago. See, I've grown up to be a... better?? I don't really know. But point blank, I have grown out from that 'Past-me' days.

Just wondering - How come a boring topic like P3 could expand into bi-atches and 'past-me' and what not?? Anyway.

Back to the topic of P3. I seriously do not have any idea about my future as a designer. All I would like to do is Plan, Work hard and leave it up to Allah. I have to have back up plans you know. I can't really rely on just being a designer. I do not even know if I would have a 'career' as a designer. People are being retrenched and stuff. Oh God, If only 'these' people knew the consequences of their actions and how it would affect the world...

Humans can be really mean creatures when they turn themselves in to ego and greed. If only all the leaders in the world would lead like in the teachings of Islam...

If only these powerful people could be more humble.

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