Monday, April 02, 2007

a new idea...

ok... in the morning i came up with a crazy idea... a blogazine... like a magazine but a blog one... haha... maybe someone or i could do that... with some tips from both of my cuzzies who r make-up artistes, i can create a blog for like giving tips to readers on the proper way to wear make-up, different kinds of make-up, and all that stuff lah... what do you guys think? tag along and i'll make up my mind... but first, i have to learn how to blogskin... i know it involves computer language which is quite easy for me... but i don't know how to make it like what i am imagining it to be... haha... should talk to wan... hmms good idea! i hope this crazy idea would turn out to be the brightest one i could ever think of!

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