Sunday, April 05, 2009


Like the quote I frequently use,
Humility is like underwear, essential, but indecent if it shows - Helen Neilson

When you tell people that you are humble, it defeats the purpose. You are not humble anymore.
Trust me. Its showing. Without you knowing.

I don't know why am I blogging in the middle of the night right now. I guess I like reflecting at night? haha. Reflections, reflections.

Lesson #1: God is great. Put Him first and all your tasks will go smoothly. Never think that because of praying, it will make you lose time. Tested. Proven.

Lesson #2: At the end of the day, it is the wisdom that matters. You do not have to impress. Just do what you think is right. Don't follow blindly, work smart and plan carefully.

Lesson #3: Time Management is verrryyyyy important.

Lesson #4: Be grateful with what you have. The lesser things you own, the lesser things you want.

Lesson #5: Cherish the people around you. Always try to make time for family. I guess it is harder for me since I have two families right now. Luckily their timings don't clash. I just have to deal with the tiredness. But as long as it makes me happy, I don't really care if I am tired.

Lesson #6: Communication in a team is essential, necessary, vital, important and what have you. A mis- communication can lead to chaos and disaster. 2 hands work better than one. Let alone 30 pairs...

Lesson #7: Think before you act. Sometimes things that you do unintentionally can leave deep bruises in hearts. Although you had apologised for your mistakes, there will still be marks.

Well, that is all that I can share... The rest are for myself to know. Not for you to find out. I wonder what is there written for me in the future. Well, I guess, I should just wait for it. Maybe try to change it a little bit to make it better. I don't know. But I really believe in Fate.

Always look at the glass as half-full and not half-empty.

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