Sunday, April 26, 2009


If I have to work or earn by writing, so be it. I just love doing it! (Provided that I have enough sleep and inspiration) So. What shall we write about today?

My junior from secondary school, had her face portrayed in the papers today! I thought to myself, how lucky it is for her to be there, in her position right now, a position I had visualised of myself to be in some time, a few years back. Singing, acting, being in the entertainment industry would be cool... But maybe I am not prepared for that now. For fun, maybe yes. (God! Mika is singing by the window sill... What the!)

And after 'work', I karaoke-d and then I lied on my bed with my laptop and began surfing away. What did Indulged myself in? Youtube videos of celebs and paparazzi's. That was unintentional though. Everything was unintentional. Dang. Is it a sign??

Haha. We shall just go with the flow k.

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