Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ok whats happening in life?

Basically, these are my life's updates.

1) I have switched to M1 mobile plan instead of starhub because, starhub is eating up a lot of my money! -wasted.

2) For this week and the rest of the weeks, my granny would not be visiting my house anymore... So I have a new addition to my routine, which is to send my brother to my neighbor's house. cos no one is gonna take care of him before he goes to school...

3) My cousin went to Indo! I wanna follow!

What else...

4) I had just realised something about myself. I detest stinginess... And I don't really like people intruding into my affairs when they do not know anything.

5) I am so not disciplined nowadays.

6) I can't wait for EVD outing and 17 again...

Lastly, 15 May.... Damn, thats freakin long!!!

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