Thursday, June 21, 2007


my ear still hurts!!! need to go "ear flushing" as liyana (nira) recommended or "ear candling" as mama recommended! ever heard of those two? just now at dk... it was miserable! Came at 12 but no one was there! haha... expected. so went to buy snickers to keep my cool. mmm.... yummy! then when i got back to the pond, i saw some minah ferrings... hehe... ngah duduk satu corner. I wasnt sure of who they were so I sat further. then i saw wani sitting with them. I looked at the gurls and i thot i sae liyana and fish. so i sms liyana. confem dier. bodo nyer aku. then i went to sit with them. Saihah came and she got the keys. our savior. abih masuk tak bukak air con. bodoh. Naq yg datang later bukak kan... aku hidung blocked, tak leh nyanyi tol2... bile pecah suare, first tyme aku tak leh tarik! haha... tak leh angkatt. my song and ragam all hancos. i was making a fool of myself. but i had fun! best uh naq bagi pencil dari terengganu. woot! dpt pencil pon suker? haha... perjer!

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