Monday, July 02, 2007

So tired n hungry...

Yeah... I was hungry, but now i've just finished two bowls of noodles. Great... now i have sufficient energy to blog and tell you guys the whole of what happened today and my personal thoughts.

Went to school s usual today, quite early actually. All my younger siblings aren't schooling today. so shiok. Me, i have to... no youth day for me. but i personally feel that the school should have earth day as a holiday or some special event since our school 'Cares' so much about the earth, global warming, and stuff. haha. Ok, so i had Architecture drawing. Ingrid was talking about always using the correct TERMS or 'terminology' as Ban soon always say it... (Why can't ban soon just use 'term' instead of that long 5 syllable word? dang!) had stupendous fun (wow i actually used this word that i didn't know what its definition is, but what i thought it meant was actually its definition! you get what i mean? nvm...) drawing plans. Time Zooms when you are actually concentrating. For lunch, we walked all the way to opp TP to grab some fast food. Went to Mac since shaad thickened his skin to take for us the coupons (GST Rise mah!) and had a splendid meal cos of the company. Who else but my BARA click!!! Hahaha... too bad only five of us are in this click. If there were other ppl that r as crazy as us but 'NOT TOO OVER', then they are always welcomed in the club! Too sad too say, Farah is always with her other friends. but never mind, life's never better. We went on talking and talking, from what we wanna do as a click, to the different kinds of fishes (in malay, and shaad was totally lost), to the types of veges, to dreams and what they meant, to... haha... i forgot. but the list was sure damn long!!! we sat until like 2+ then went back to school. we sat there for about an hr or so. then we went to ban soon's empty classroom. Took pics and chit chat like as if we r inside a market. His class is sometimes boring, sometimes its fun. Boring cos he keeps talking crap. some e.g of crap would be, praising himself and his long grandfather stories. Me and sarah, we actually slept for 15 mins. then end of class, we went to the amphitheatre to take some pics which i will not be uploading tonight. Tired ya know. so basically thats what i did today. I came back home sweating from all the jumping and posings.

Now, what happened recently or not so recently. Went out with him one time, and he told me that he regards me as his ex. (how can that be cos he never, ever, sounded me!) A few weeks later, he asked if i would give 'us' a chance. My answer is simple. I told him 'If i could, I would'. I prefer only going out with guys... with no strings attached. He and some guys before me hurt me once. Im not going to lick my spit. Its just not me after my drastic first break-up. I jolly-well know i cant see two different people as the same. But the truth is, I am afraid. Especially when i have my other responsibilities as a child. I know how relationships can affect studies. I'm not going to let this happen again.
I'm lonely, i know.
I am jealous of other people's relationships. its a norm.
I hope my was as good as theirs. I'd always hope.
No relationship has no shakes. D'uh.
But im always wary. I need assurance.
I'd always hope if i have a guy, That person would really take care of my lil heart, and won't smash it like how others did to it. (ouh my poor lil heart...)

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