Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Best Birthday.

I am so thankful for yesterday.
Although some things got into my way,
and even though I hated bbqs because its so tiring,
I was all worth it, I thought.

Family came, Friends came...
If there were anything important that we had achieved yesterday,
It was silaturrahim - A Bond.

If only some would get off their seats and join the bbq instead of having me to take for them their food, (Like hello its a bbq!) then I would not have the guilt of not feeding my guests... Haha. Anyway, it doesn't matter...

Even though some people complained, I don't really care. Because I know they are just jealous that no one wants to hold a bbq for them and prepare their favourite food even though he is unwell! They are just seriously, Jealous.

Thank you Azeez (probably the first time I blogged about you in a good tone -haha) for making me have a blast of a time - the CAKE, the kuay teow, the effort you had put in, and for the rain. I love rain when its not dangerous ;p. Thank you Ziza for coming down to help even though you were tired after helping mama. Thank you Ibu for sponsoring most of the expenses... Thank you Mama Gi and Ayah Aim for coming down, closing the shop early, just for me. haha. Thank you Mummy and Daddy for coming down even when you are suffering from the jet lag. haha. Thank you Mama Nur for the other cake. Thank you to the neighbors who had chipped in to some of the stuffs for the bbq at night. Thank you to the Beautiful Ladies (Includes Ibu) who had lightened their hands to bbq, thank you to the Handsome Gentlemen (Includes Ayah) who had the Gazebo ready... Thank you Also to Yati and Izzuan for logistics (Appreciate it very much - kalau you all takde, tak tau lah mcm mana) And to the remaining Guests, thank you! Zima! Thank you for the Camera! Dont forget the pictures k! Uhmm, Thanks for the presents.... And thank you to me also, for the food I've prepared... Hehe. I dun care! I want to praise myself for my hard work! haha.

Thank you Allah for making it easy for me to handle the bbq.
Alhamdulillah. We really had fun.

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