Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ouh toots.

See... Here I am blogging again! What the! I wanted to blog about another topic in the previous entry but ended up writing a different story. Lols! Kentot. So this can be considered as the third part of my trilogy lah!

I want to say. I can handle stress pretty well uh! hahaha. Ok lame, I know. Well actually... Me and Ziza are pretty cool with handling stress. Duncha think so ZizyZieza? Haha. At least we don't jump around like monkeys, turn to other stupid stuffs to handle it. Tell me. How we handle it uh? hahhaha. Eat a lot? Go out? What the. Think.

Is it Solat? hahah. I think so too. :D

Still... A sleep-deprived Amyra is an ugly Amyra.

Ouh and ziza! I forgot to ask my mom about that Doa to make people 'shut up'. lol. That wasn't a need for just now anyway. lols.

kk. I really need to solat and then sleep... :D

Bye kentots.

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