Thursday, August 14, 2008


At last I find time to blog. haha lols. Today was supposed to be Final interim critique for me and Ziza but we were late! Hahaha... B***** toots.. (Sesungguhnye aku berpuasa...) But... Lucky us, Swee still wanted to crit our work... But tomorrow. Yess! Thank god. Spent my whole night (not really whole night lah), 6 hours to do the model. Kentot. I don't really like doing models. why? because... I am so picky. I find it hard to please myself unless I am really tired and can't be bothered to be meticulous.

I did the model till I did not have time to do the drawings. My drawings are not substandard, it has NO standard at all! Just one site plan which leonard drew and overlaid with butter papers consisting of my Floor plan and my Roof plan. How pathetic is that. Thanks eh. I think I really need to try doing two subjects in a day. Because I keep doing one module a day and I'll end up having no time for the other module. Take the last few days for example. Weekend was spent on... P2. cos there was crit on monday. Monday and Tuesday was spent on PComD. I only had yesterday to finish up my P2 for today's interim. what the! :/ Its tough being in design school but I can manage. Haha. Don't worry. I just have to get my time management right. But how? I don't Like/can't Follow TIME-TABLES!!! Hahahha. I do it when I feel like it is the right time.

But anyhoos. I have tomorrow's schedule/plan figured out. Wanna know what is it??

morning - Interim P2
- Find 'Ranting'/plant stem... Something like that. For model!
- Bookshop (Spray paint and penknife blade)
Afternoon -lili's house?? To be confirmed
- Home (put model, take outfit)
- PComD Presentation
Evening - Ziza's house
- Off to Sinar Lebaran Recording!! Woot~

Ok. I wanna sleep/solat (I dunno which one to do first... but maybe the latter)
Then "I wanna Draw, draw... DRAW till the sun goes down... ooh-wo-oh... ooh-wo-oh"
Listened to the song before? Does the lyrics ring a bell? hahaha Nvm.


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