Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My bestie 'smashed' my model!

Since I have the mood to blog 'properly' at least, I shall. Lol. Let's start with the day's funniest moments. Well, maybe to some, it may not be that funny because the moment was funny because of the actions and reactions. not because of the storyline.

What basically happened was, my dear ZizyZieza ACCIDENTALLY hit my model with her bag and it fell and broke into 3, and some other smaller bits and pieces. -.-"
We were at the bus stop opposite TP, waiting to board bus 15. Then, after taking her ez-link out of her bag, ziza 'turned' her bag and it hit my model! I did not hold it properly so it dropped and broke into pieces. I did not know what to do and the aunty from TP bookshop helped me pick up one of the broken pieces, (Thanks uh aunty) So. I was like "Should I throw this (my model) away?" I did saw the dustbin but it was quite far. So ziza told me "Go ask Aisyah to throw for you! faster!!" And so I did. I ran to Aisyah and put my model beside her. And she was like kinda 'lost' cos she was talking on the phone. So moral of story? Don't stand behind Ziza when she is taking out something from her bag,. Who knows what else she would hit in future... Thanks eh Ziza!

That was my p2 model ok! I really hope farah still got our pics... ugh. (*prays*)

Hmms, what else happened? Basically presentation wasnt up to expectations again! I don't know why this keeps on happening! Well at least my drawing was accepted. :D And definitely, the presentation was much better than the previous one. :D

:I what else? Haha. Lame lah. My back got biji2. Gatal but its not red. I put mopiko and now my back is like burning! HOW??? *faint*

ok bye people. Senang2 i add some more to this post! haha. Now I am tired. Tak puasa mcm puasa! Hormat lah katakan....

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