Saturday, December 08, 2007

Singa vs Malay

LOL. watched Asean games just now, my sis, arina, was like so kecoh! haha. Cos one of the singapore strikers kept falling. and she was like "oi! lembek ke pe???!" and many more comments which was so funny! haha... i thot malaysia would win. LOL. But ended up its a draw. And singapore got to go to the semi finals too... wth. I am so PISSED with nothing! I'm kinda bored actually and i have not done my solat Isyak which I will be planning to do later. After I blog... Lol. You know... Solat is making my hypotension come back rather than be healed. Cos of the change of position... quite depressing actually... haiz... But no matter what, I would still do it. :D
My head is still spinning actually. but not that unbearable. LOL. Oh ya! that malaysian striker! Amirulhadi... OMG! So cutee laaar. The goalkeeper also! OMG!!! AMIRUL! I LOVE YOU!.... haha. He scored the goal for My. hehe. Fi... jgn jealous... hahah... I'll love amirul for a while only.. nanti kalau lama sikit, dah luper. confirm... hehe. Sorry Amirul. Wait... Why the heck am i loving somebody who i see on tv but he doesnt see me??? WTH. Amirah giler. K. I wanna do my solat oready. hehe. Bye!

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