Tuesday, December 11, 2007


God! Is this true??? got this email from a friend

Dear Frens
All the below Masterfood Company Chocolate Products (Mars) are no longer Halal. They started using Animal product rennet(pork) in it for products that have expiry date after 1 st of October 2007.

Check this article from BBC News
And this from the Vegetarian Society
http://w ww.vegsoc.org/news/2007/mars.html

· Bounty
· Celebrations
· Dove Chocolate
· Flyte
· Galaxy
· Kudos (North America)
· Lockets
· M-Azing (North America)
· Maltesers
· M&M's
· Mars Bar
· Mars Delight
· Milky Wa y
· Minstrels (UK only)
· Mars Planets (newly inroduced in UK)
· Skittles
· Snickers (The top-selling candy bar in the United States. Known in the UK as Marathon until 1990.)
· Starburst (Originally Opal Fruits in the UK.)
· 3 Musketeers (North America)
· Topic
· Twix
· Snicker's Marathon Energy Bar
· AquaDrops

Please forward this message to your friends.

TSK! Majority of the chocs in the list are my favourites larrrr! Agh! Nanti macam pringles pulak, tak halal tapi actually halal... uhhhh mcm mana ni? My head was spinning before i log in to the net... now... It's spinning even more! Can I chop it offff???!!!! argh! pening nye!!!!

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