Thursday, April 10, 2008


Taufik!!! Ciri-ciri Wanita Idaman Taufik Batisah adalah, 1. Manis. Kalau lawa, sekejap aja... (Check!) 2. Kelakar... Sebab Taufik suka buat kelakar. (Check!) 3. Sabar... Jadi kalau Taufik marah dia, dia senyum, Sejuk hati Taufik... (Check!!!) :O Taufik!! Sayalah Wanita Idaman awak! hahhaha,,, Dan awak, Lelaki Idaman Saya... :D

Eeee... Tak tau malu nye aku!! Haha... Ni bukan tak tau malu, muka tebal ajer. Ziza, amik lah Hady. Si Asian Idol tu. Aku nyer First Singapore Idol! :D Tinggi Plak tu! Woot! hahahah... Okok stoppit.

LETS talk about life now. Life has been 'hectic' lately. With meetings for the orientation which is like so SLOW... and the Howard Brandston project which isn't moving when Ziza isn't with us, and business, which is so far, going steady...

So. Lets just say, I am so shocked when I learnt about my friend punching someone. Hahahahah! Pity the boy who got punch but HE DESERVED IT! hahahaha.... EEE tak baik nyer....

Currently I can't really sleep because my sister has conquered my room and is currently listening to her new cd. Lols. Well, I gotta chat with this somebody... :I Gotta 'entertain' him. PFFTT. Will update when I have ideas :D

My dear friend
Come home soon
I seem to miss you

I miss the smses
I miss the laughter
I miss all about you

So please...
Come home soon.

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