Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I see the change in me.
Well, I know I've changed, and I changed so many times...
But this time, I change again. But I do not know if it is for the better... or WORSE?

Well... Let's see how I've changed.
First, I have been quiet, not as loud as before.
I keep opinions to myself. I don't know why. Maybe I think alot? Maybe I am starting to be more precarious of the feeling of others? Maybe I don't want to hurt anymore. Maybe I want to be good.
Maybe I am just lazy. Maybe I'm becoming more arrogant. Maybe I don't want to waste my time talking to other people, giving advise, making them laugh... because I find that my energy should not be wasted on things that won't bring any good to me?

It's a wonder how you can be so many things just by keeping quiet. :I I do not know for sure what path I'd took. But one thing's for sure, I am trying to become a better Muslim. I would pray to Almighty Allah every time after my Solat to give me guidance. Well, I have a list of things to ask from Him inside my head. This is just one out of the many. Maybe, this is the first chapter of my 'Allah-guide-me' Lessons. To Listen more and Talk less! Maybe. :D (Wow. I am actually thinking. ) Yup. MAYBE. I hope so.

Ouh but I still sing though. Although I listen more than I sing now. :I

So if anyone wants to join the 'Allah-guide-me' lessons, you don't have to register or anything. Just do your Solat which is already Wajib. And ask for a lot of things from Him after that. Be it health, fortune, safety or whatsoever. Just don't forget to ask for His Irshaad, Hidayah and Guidiance. :)

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