Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Wow third post.

I told you I've changed right. Yeah. Now I am trying to keep constantly fill my life with Islam, Allah (SWT), Muhammad (PBUH) and Al-Quran. I won't apologize if there is gonna be a lot of ME inside here. After all, it is my blog. :D

Actually, I've been doing a lot of reflection. Inside my head, where ever I go, what ever I do. I actually talk to myself. Of course, those who would remember in my earlier posts, during my sec sch days, I LOVE talking to myself. Until now I do.

So. Firstly, somebody asked me. What if. There is a guy, who is decent. Doesn't smoke, doesn't mix around with bad company, and basically makes a good Muslim. It's just that he doesn't Solat.

The first thing that came to my mind was: Isn't Solat compulsory? What a waste.
I don't know why I am sharing this with you guys, but. I really want to stop reflecting about this inside my head. I want to share. I won't apologize if you think I am showing off or whatever, because my conscience is clear, and I know that my purpose here is to share.

I somehow agree with that somebody's mom that if the guy doesn't pray, he is not really strong, as in, he may be easily influenced to do the bad. Its like a tree with a weak foundation. If the wind blows too hard, it may fall. Like a bridge made with thin rope. Like a man, walking on breakable thread. (Chey berfalsafah lah pulakkk)

Another reflection is about my sec sch rival.
Started thinking about our rivalry when I saw her at the bus stop. But she did not see me, I suppose...

Why rivals? Just because of an accident? Something which I didn't mean for it to happen? Something that I only have myself to be blamed for. :I Isn't it such a waste of time?
Though I apologized, I still have this tingly feeling inside my stomach whenever I see her face. Maybe because I know she still hates me, despite my apology.

But hey. Its her loss right? Too bad. She couldn't forgive me for one small thing. Its her loss.
YES! I got my answer. just by typing it out, I have my answer to my doubts. Just by sharing with you guys, I will stop having the tingly feeling whenever I see her face!! Alhamdulillah.

Opps. I'm late for Asar. :D Cya :D

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